SHED Hospital

Introducing Our State-of-the-Art Secondary Care Medical Complex
Our Secondary Care Medical Complex is a beacon of advanced healthcare, boasting over 250 beds and a non-commercial ethos dedicated to serving our community. Operational since September 2019, we offer round-the-clock services to ensure prompt and comprehensive care for all patients.
Department of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
1. Coronary Care Unit ( CCU & HDU )
Well equipped and most modernized unit to manage all cardiac and high risk patients. All bed monitorized for ventilation nursing care and staff as per national and international guideline supervised by consultant cardiologist with support of consultant anesthetics, nursing and paramedical staff 24/7.
2. Cath Lab
SHED Hospital is equipped with state of the art Cath lab this provides following facilities; coronary, angiography + angioplasty peripheral legs/arms angiography and angioplasty cerebral/abdominal angiography implantation of permanent pacemaker + icd/crt
3. Cardiology Ward
Cardiology ward has all bed monitorized with facilitation for intubation, minor procedures (eg. central line) . 24/7 nursing
4. Cardiac Recovery
Bed, Monitor, Look after patients after coronary angiography and PPM.
5. Clinical Physiology
Lead by trained cardiac technologist supervised by cardiac consultant.
- TTE (Trans Thoracic ECHO)
- TOE (Trans Oesophageal ECHO)
- DSE (Dobutamine Stress Echocardiogram)
- ETT (Exercise Tolerance Test)
- 24 Hours Holter Monitoring
- 24 Hours BP Monitoring
Kidney Diseases Units
1. Nephrology Unit:
Nephrology is the subspecialty of internal medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the kidney. Nephrologists maintain expertise in primary kidney disorder, but also the management of the systemic consequences of kidney dysfunction. Machinery/ equipment with latest version are available at SHED Hospital
2. Dialysis Unit (Free of Charge)
Dialysis is the process of removing excess water, solutes, and toxins from the blood using a machine in people whose kidney(s) no longer perform these functions naturally. We are currently equipped with eight Dialysis machines; operational in two multiple shifts (morning & evening) during the course of a single day. It’s being supervised by consultant Nephrologist who takes care of daily dialysis orders day to day alignment and review patients status via laboratory investigations. Besides this Dialysis unit is well equipped with latest medical equipment along with RO plant. Flow meters and Suction Machine are operational in multiple shifts during the course of a single day with the support of about 400 gallon RO-Plant. We are trying to increase number of machines to facilitate more suffering patients. This unit provides all services free of charge including injections and laboratory tests required.
3. Urology Department Mentorship of Services
Prof. Aziz Abdullah FRCS (IRF), FRCS (EDIN), FEBU, DIP.URO
- Endourology of Adult and Pediatric patients
- Minimally invasive surgery (Laparoscopic Urology)
- Uro Oncology
- Andrology
- Female Urology
- DSD Clinic (Disorders of Sexual Differentiation)
- Future plan; Renal Transplant
Thalassemia Unit
Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder. Patients with Thalassemia suffer from an inability to produce adequate amount of Hemoglobin which causes Anemia. Regular blood transfusions are necessary for survival of patients of Thalassemia.
SHED Hospital’s Thalassemia Unit provides services to more than 200 Thalassemia – major patients. We provide free blood transfusion, free iron chelation, Free OPD, Free Medical Checkup therapy to all the registered patients in a safe and healthy environment. The Thalassemia Unit is run under the supervision of a consultant hematologist and trained Nursing staff. Complete Blood Count, HB Electrophoresis, Ferritin level, Iron, TIBC, Biochemistry screening and other relevant Laboratory test services are also available in our internationally standardized laboratory.
We also provide complementary refreshment, Juices, meal to all patients and their attendants during Blood transfusion.
This unit is equipped with:
- Blood transfusion chain
- Deferral pump.(for iron chelation)
- And other relevant medical instrument.
Pathological Laboratory
SHED Hospital have a state of the art fully equipped pathological lab. Providing comprehensive range of clinical and pathological lab investigation with more than 200 types of parameters and profiles. The laboratory providing its services 24/7 round the clock throughout the year. The lab deals in hematology, clinical chemistry, serology, immunology, microbiology and parasitology laboratory testing
SHED laboratory is involve in extra quality control from API (American Proficiency Institute). The Laboratory is equipped with Advanced Machineries which include:
- Hematology Analyzer
- Urine Analyzer
- Centrifuge
- Cobas C 311
- Bio-Rad
- Architect Plus
- Electrolyte Analyzer
- Bectec 9120
- Bio-Safety cabinet
- Incubator
- Oven
- A B G machine
Blood Bank
SHED Blood Bank established in 2020, which is one of the registered and licensed blood bank from Sindh Blood Transfusion Authority. Driving forward in its aim to provide safe blood to patient while promoting voluntarily – non-remunerated blood donations. Our blood bank undertakes collection of blood donation through camps at various locations.
We provide blood and its products according to patients need. We supply pack cells, fresh frozen plasma and platelets concentrates to the patients as per requirements. Screening done for HbsAg, Anti HCV, HIV, Syphilis and Malaria on fully automated Analyzer Architect i 1000. Our blood bank supports thalassemia units as 220 thalassemic registered patients regularly required blood transfusions. We also support Dialysis unit, surgical procedures and gynae and obs cases in term of blood supply.
The Blood Bank is equipped with:
- Blood Bags Refrigerators
- Platelet Incubators + Agitator
- Ultra low Freezers
- Cryfuge machine
- Micro scope
- Blood beg mixer
- Blood beg sealer
- Plasma thawing water bath
Radiology Unit
Certified by the Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA). The PNRA regularly audits and inspects for radiation safety. The Radiology department provides a full range of services from diagnostic imaging to interventional procedures that cater to the needs of in-patients, out-patients and referrals. There is a state-of-the-art imaging. The radiologists and radiographers aim to provide effective, efficient services in a professional manner to patients. Support staffs help the patient to get the earliest appointment possible and are present to assist throughout the process.
- General Radiography (X-Ray)
- Mammography
- Ultrasound/Color Doppler
- CT Scan
- Interventional Radiology
All general x-rays and mammography procedures are carried out on a Computerized Radiography System (CR) which minimizes the patient waiting time and radiation dose. High-tech angiography machine installation in our Hospital made provision of vascular and nonvascular procedures under same roof. These procedures include placement of venous access catheters, dialysis catheters, hepatobiliary interventions, urogenital interventions, embolization and ablations.
There is a constantly working to improve and expand the services by investing in the most advanced equipment and technologies. SHED deliver outstanding imaging services and reduce the time from diagnosis to treatment. Use of most advanced Machines to carry out Hospital Services:
- X-ray Machine with CPU & Printer – 100MA Portable machine with CR
- OPG Machine
- Latest CT Scan
- Interventional angiography machine
Rapid examinations can be performed with maintaining outstanding image quality expected from high performance 1.5 Tesla MRI.
Providing following examinations MRI and MRAs of Brian and Limb MSK Upper Lower Limbs Neuro Spinal imaging Hepatobiliary (MRCP)
CT Scan
CANON Aquilion Start
Features such as SEMAR and AIDR 3D, Aquilion Start can help you expand your clinical capabilities, leading to confident diagnosis and sustainable growth, less exposure to radiation with enhanced images. Such as:
- Brain Angio
- Carotid Angio
- Pulmonary Angio
LORAD® M-IV Series
HOLOGIC® Clarity of Vision
The versatile M-IV Series was developed to meet the needs of any breast imaging center. This high performance platform provides a comprehensive package of features to help busy practices perform at peak efficiency, making the M-IV the ideal system for any setting.
Critical Care Units
1. Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)
MICU is an Eight-bed facility. Four of them are equipped with the latest Advanced Life Support equipment, ventilator and monitoring equipment. The unit is staffed for round the clock with qualified and trained nurses and RMOs’.
2. High Dependency Unit (HDU)
HDU is a Six-bed facility with all the equipment required to deal with very seriously ill patients. The HDU is located nearby MICU, in order to ensure continuation of care as a patient recovers but to move back to MICU immediately if required.
3. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
NICU is equipped with incubators and neonatal / pediatric ventilators. This unit is also staffed round the clock by neonatal care trained nurses and RMOs with experience in Pediatrics.
4. Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
PICU is three bedded with one ventilator support specialized unit including one isolation bed providing intensive care services to children. The unit is staffed with qualified Peads technicians and doctors 24/7.
Operation Theatre Complex
SHED Hospital’s Operation Theatre Complex offer a wide range of surgical services under the dedicated and trained medical professionals for multiple procedures / surgeries simultaneously within the OT sub divisions.
Operation Theater & Recovery Room are fully well equipped.
All equipments & accessories, machines are well standards, high quality with latest technology.
All OT’s installed with separate laposcopic towers, C0Arm, Anesthesia machines with monitors, suction machines, Defibrillator, Diathermy machine and Emergency Trolleys etc. Recovery Room for Post Operative Monitoring. Operation Theater is also backed up with Surgical & Medical ICU, HDU, PICU & NICU.
Additional Services in Operation Theatre Includes:
- Endoscopic Suit
- Laser machine
- Portable X-Ray machine
- Portable Ultrasound machine
- Flexible Fiber optic Laryngoscope & Bronchoscope
Surgeries that are performed in following fields at SHED include
- Obstetric & Gynecological surgeries
- General Surgeries
- Laparoscopic surgeries
- Urology
- ENT (Head & Neck)
- Dental procedures
- Oral & Maxillofacial surgeries (Including Oral Cancer & Tumor)
- Ophthalmology (Eye) (Cataract & VR surgeries)
- Neurosurgery
- Peads & Neurological surgeries
- Orthopedic surgeries
- Traumatic surgeries
- Surgical Oncology
- Plastic & Reconstructive surgeries
- Surgical critical care Future Surgeries Plan
- Bariatric Surgery
- Organ Transplant (Renal Transplant)
General Surgery
General surgery is a surgical specialty that focuses on abdominal contents including the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, appendix and bile ducts and often the thyroid gland. Various machines and equipment are made available for general Surgery depending upon case to case nature. Mostly a full fledge operation theatre is working.
Apart from fully equipped OT, certain specific Machines / Equipments installed are as follows:
- Laparoscopy Machine
- Endoscopy Machine
Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery
- Simple tooth extractions for hopeless teeth.
- Wisdom tooth extractions.
- Treatment of periprosthetic surgery.
- Exposure of impacted teeth for orthodontic treatment.
- Treatment for odontogenic tumors.
- Treatment for cysts of the oral cavity.
- Treatment for salivary gland pathologies and tumors.
- Extraction of impacted teeth.
- Treatment for disorders of the temporomandibular joints.
- Treatment for odontogenic diseases related to the maxillary sinus.
- Treatment for oral cancers of the oral cavity.
- Treatment of orthognathic surgeries.
- Treatment of dentoalveolar trauma and maxillofacial trauma.
- Treatment of dental implants.
ENT Unit
ENT unit deals with pathologies of Ear (Hearing loss, obstruction and discharge), nose (nasal obstruction, discharge, allergy and sinus problems), throat (tonsils infection, pharyngitis, tongue tie, deglutition problems, voice change, Cancers/tumors) & thyroid (swelling causing difficulty breathing and swallowing & cancers)
ENT Surgeries being performed in SHED Hospital are as follows:-
- Tonsillectomy
- Adenoidectomy
- Septoplasty
- turbinate reduction surgeries
- Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (for nasal polyps, sinusitis and nasal obstruction)
- Treatment for cysts of the oral cavity
- Treatment for salivary gland pathologies and tumors
- Treatment for disorders of thyroids (Thyroidectomy)
- Treatment of oral, nasal and laryngeal cancers
- Traumatic injuries to neck and face management
- Direct laryngoscopy
- Esophagoscopy
- Removal of Foreign Bodies (nose, ear, throat & esophagus)
- Tracheostomy
- Tympanoplasty/Myringoplasty (Ear Drum Repair)
- Myringotomy + Grommet insertion
Gynecology/Obstetrics & Labor Room
Gynae unit is fully equipped to manage emergencies 24 hours with our outstanding reputation of delivering with a wide range of fully equipped Labor room, where consultants perform spontaneous vaginal normal and instrumental deliveries.
A well-established Operation Theatre, where the consultant assisted by highly trained staff perform Caesarean section, gynecological surgeries, e.g. Ovarian Cystectomy, Hysterectomy, Myomectomy, Polypectomy and minor Gynae oncology procedures for therapeutic procedure.
The Gynecology & Obstetrics department is fully equipped to manage emergencies 24/7 with an outstanding reputation of delivering a wide range of clinical and diagnostic services over a diverse population of women. The division is equipped with Gynecology wards and a fully equipped Labor room where consultants perform normal and instrumental deliveries.
The department is divided into General Ward, Semi private and private rooms for eternal, obstetrics & gynecological patients.
Labor room further segregated in to Stage I and Stage II Labor room. Where consultants perform spontaneous and instrumental vaginal deliveries.
Day care adnumones also done for proper antenatal care and services.
All sub units are fully equipped with proper medical stuff needed for any procedure.
Special Care Nursery and Neonatal ICU
Most babies admitted to the NICU are, preterm, low birth weight or have a health condition that needs special care. When NICU babies get healthier; they go to special care nursery.
Machines and Equipment of this unit are as follows:
- Incubator
- Infant ventilator
- Phototherapy machine
- Warmer
- Portable incubator with oxygen support
- Cardio Pulmonary Monitors
- IV – Therapy Equipment (Infusion Pump)
- Portable X – Ray Oxygen Hood
- Baby Care Area
Gastro Unit
Gastroenterology is the study of the normal function and diseases of the esophagus stomach, small and large bowl, pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts etc.
Gastro usually caused by a bacterial or viral tummy bug. It affects people of all ages. We are equipped with following:
- Video Gastroscope
- Video colonoscope
- Band Ligator
- PEG Tube
- Injector
- Polypectomy snare
Neurology Unit
Neurology is the branch of medicines dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of all categories of conditions and diseases involving the brain, the spinal cord and the peripheral nerves.
Machines and Equipment available in SHED Hospital are as follows:
- Gas anesthesia system
- Trinocular microscopes with video monitoring
- Stereotaxic frames
- Heating system
- Laser Doppler
- TBI inspector
- Compound microscope
Physiotherapy Unit
Our physiotherapy department/unit guarantees the best care and cure of our patients. Physiotherapy restore health and movement if the patient is affected by any illness, injury or disability through multiple physical method such as exercises, massage, manipulation and other cure promising also reduces the incidence of injuries and illnesses in the future specially in the senior citizens are group.
Services we provide:
- Fitness program for both male and female
- Pregnancy and post-delivery exercises
- Counselling
- Well-equipped machinery
- Treatment for incontinence and UV Prolapse
- Weight reduction
- Gynae and peads issues
- Pre-conservative and post operative management
Treatment Technique:
- Manipulation
- Spinal Mobilization
- EMS Therapy
- Core Stability
- Kinesiology Taping
- Tens therapy
- Passive joint Mobilization
- Therapeutic Ultrasonic Treatment
EYE Care Unit
Eye department of SHED Hospital
Eye department of SHED Hospital is equipped with advance machineries as follows:
- Retino Scope
- Ophthalmia Scope
- 90 Diopter Lens
- Auto Refractometer
- Lensometer
- A Scan and B-scan
- Slit Lamp
- Yag Laser
- Green Laser
- Indirect Ophthalmoscope
- OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography)
Our Services
Our services is divided into three domains:
- OPD Services
- Investigations and diagnostics services
- O.T Services
OPD Services:-
- Eye examination by an experienced ophthalmologist
- Fundoscopy
- Autorefractometer for subjective refraction
- Computerized eye testing with advanced Autorefractometer
- Subjective refraction
- Lensometry
- Objective refraction (retinoscopy)
- Cycloplegic refraction especially for children
- Direct ophthalmoscopy
- Indirect ophthalmoscopy
- Vitero Retinal Consultancy
Investigations and diagnostics services:-
OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography)
An advanced noninvasive imaging technique to examine the deep retinal layers abnormalities:
- Anterior chamber examination
- Retinal layers examination
- Angiography of Retina
- Macula volume & thickness
- Optic nerve examination A-Scan:-“To find out the Axial Length of the eye”.
B-Scan:-“Ultrasound of the Eye”.
O.T Services:-
Free cataract surgery and other surgical procedures are performed by highly experienced senior eye Surgeons.
Eye Surgeries performing in SHED Hospital are as follows:-
- Ectropion surgery (wedge resertion)
- squint surgery under G/A
- Probing & Syringing
- Intra Vitral Injection
- Nd-Yag Laser
- Trabeculectomy
- Pterygium Excision
- Cataract surgery
- Epilation
- Vitrectomy
- Chalazion Curette & Evacuation
- Sub Conjunctival injection
- Foreign Body Removal