Under SHED Foundation


Helping each other can change the world
SHED Foundation is a not-for-profit and non-governmental organization consisting of a group of like-minded individuals formally joined hands to form the SHED Foundation for the eradication of illiteracy and poor health facility in the most marginalized and poor communities. Since its inception it is working for the promotion of basic health and primary education. It was founded in 2008 with the aim of providing basic health facilities and educating children of the poorest of poor living in the ruler areas of Sindh. SHED also promotes the health and education of girls, as health and education empowers women to break the cycle of poverty and gives them a voice in their future. SHED Foundation has been established with the vision of reaching out to the children of under privileged areas and enabling them to join the mainstream of the society. SHED Foundation was registered in 2011 under the society registration Act 1860 (Kar/144) as a welfare organization.